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  • Students | My Site

    ELÈV Klib ak Aktivite Nan Hialeah Middle School, nou ofri yon varyete klib ak espò pou elèv yo rantre nan! Klib yo enkli: BEWELL LABIB FBLA FEA Trikote NOUTIK NJHS SECME lamòd 5000 WÒL MODÈL Espò yo enkli: BASkètbòl Cheerleading GAD KOULÈ KWA PEYI DANSE DRAPO FOUTBAL Foutbòl SOFTBALL TRACK AND FIELD VOLEBÒL Konseye/Sèvis Elèv yo Ms. Carrera Students Name: LEF - Z Lyen enpòtan National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK(8255) oswa tèks; pou panyòl, rele 1-888-628-9454, pou moun ki soud oswa moun ki gen pwoblèm pou tande, rele 1-800-799-4889. Pou chat Sèvis kominotè jwif Sid Florid (JCS) Sèvis Liy Èd 2-1-1 Liy Asistans (24/7) oswa (305) 576-6550 National Crisis Text Line 741741 ( ) Akademi Paran an Liy Asistans pou Sante Mantal (305) 995-7100 MF 8am jiska 4pm Project Upstart: Project UP-START, anba Depatman Title I Administrasyon Pwogram Edikasyon pou Timoun Transisyon ak Youth Living nan Miami-Da. Pwogram nan ede lekòl yo ak idantifikasyon, enskripsyon ak prezans nan elèv yo nan tranzisyon pou ede asire siksè akademik siksè yo. Nwayo pwogram nan se pou anpeche timoun ak jèn nan tranzisyon yo stigmatize, separe, separe, oswa izole. Pou jwenn enfòmasyon detaye sou Pwojè UP-START, kritè kalifikasyon elèv yo ak sèvis sipò ki disponib pou tout elèv ki enskri nan pwogram nan, tanpri klike sou onglet ki anwo yo. Ms. Cordova Students Name: A - LED Enfòmasyon enpòtan PORTAL ELÈV POLITIK INIFÒM KÒD KONDUIT BILTEN CURICULUM TILIV PARAN-ELÈV AKSÈ GRATIS POU E-LIV AK LIV ODYO KANDANDRA ENPAR/MENM PLAN DAKSYON KOMITE EKIP BÈNÈT LEKÒL/SANTE

  • Magnet Programs | My Site

    Apply To Our Magnet Programs Today! Applications are accepted October 1st to January 15th ART BAND DANCE THEATRE

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    Apply To Our Magnet Program Today Applications are being accepted October 1st to January 15th News and Announcements STANDARD RESPONSE PROTOCOL Important Information for Parents and Guard ians esp añol kreyol Miami-Dade County Public Schools Curriculum Bulletin 2024-2025 2023-2024 Subject Selection Forms: 6th , 7th , 8th Pop n Prep Tutoring: English , Spanish , & Haitian-Creole District K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan Inspection report Important Dates Teachers Report - 8/12 First day of Class - 8/15 Labor Day - No School - 9/2 Teacher Planning Day - No School - 10/3 Last day of 1st Quarter - 10/18 2nd Quarter Begins - 10/19 Pwogram Magnet Enfòmasyon sou Pwogram nan Student Drop-off & Pickup

  • Contact | My Site

    KONTAKTE NOU 500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158 Orè BIwo Vizite Lekòl la ADRÈS PHONE NUMBER (305) 681-3527 7:30 am - 4:00 pm

  • Our School | My Site

    OUR SCHOOL Vizyon & Misyon Pwofesè, anplwaye, paran yo ak kominote Hialeah Middle School kwè ke tout timoun yo ka aprann epi vin manm pwodiktif nan sosyete a. Ansanm ak rijid entelektyèl ak estanda akademik segondè, Hialeah Middle School pran angajman pou li pwodui. panse kritik ak konpasyon, k ap aprann dire tout lavi yo ak patisipan enfòme nan zafè lokal ak mondyal. Mission Students at Hialeah Middle School will be afforded a safe learning environment that fosters educational excellence, promotes a climate of mutual respect, celebrates multicultural diversity, recognizes individual and team achievements, and enables everyone to feel emotionally and socially sheltered. ANNAYÈ STAFF Madan C. Padron ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Mrs. Trillas PRINCIPAL Mrs. N. Charlot PRINSIPAL William Couselo, JR. Principal's Assistant Ileana Sanchez Grefye Prezans Neybis Carreno Registrar Lissette Cruz Espesyalis Patisipasyon Kominotè Daymarit Gonzalez-Beltran Trezorye Sèvis Elèv Alexandra Carrera Counselor Rolando Chinea Pwofesè Yanelis Cordova Counselor Tamara Garcia SCSI/Prezidan Egzamen Langaj Arts/ELL Chenessa Ware Chèf Depatman Deborah Arca Teacher Maria Martin Teacher Victor Brown Pwofesè Cassandra Mederos Pwofesè Victor Brown Teacher Amanda Rosario Teacher Berna Jimenez Pwofesè Pilar Soler Teacher Matematik Marina Medina Chèf Depatman Viviana Arias Pwofesè Jessica Gonzalez Teacher Yuridelkis Colina Pwofesè Idalmis Donderiz Pwofesè Syans Jeannete Couselo Chèf Depatman Mabel Pino Pwofesè Dayami Gutierrez Teacher Soleil Lobato Pwofesè Dalgis Rosales Pwofesè Jorge Trujillo Teacher Etid sosyal Rolando Lobato Chèf Depatman Jonathan De la Torre Teacher Robin Marks Pwofesè Mirta Rodriguez Pwofesè Mercedes Stepney Teacher Kou ochwa Carlos Alayeto Teacher Marcos Alvarez Pwofesè Mellanie Malik Teacher Cassandra Mederos Teacher Rafael Alvarez Teacher David Duckardt Pwofesè Jennifer Gomez Teacher/ Media Specialist Christine Napoles Pwofesè Patreece Perry-Pelt Pwofesè Miguel Rasch Pwofesè Pilar Soler Pwofesè Edikasyon espesyal Lissette Alvarez Pwofesè Andre Pena Pwofesè Alejandra Pena Program Specialist Gloria Rodriguez Espesyalis pwogram Gaylene Coicou Pwofesè Bianca Perez Pwofesè David Duckardt Pwofesè Lazara Perez Pwofesè Annette Gort Pwofesè Pamela Robinson Pwofesè Grissel Nodarse Pwofesè Debora Ross Pwofesè Pwogram Magnet Marcos Alvarez Pwofesè Carlos Alayeto Drama Teacher TBA Dance Teacher Christine Napoles Pwofesè

  • Title I/EESAC | My Site

    Title I & EESAC Title I District-Level Parent/Family Engagement Plan Spanish Haitian Creole School-Level Parent and Family Engagement Plan School Improvement Plan (SIP) Title I Parent Notification Flyer Title I Parent Compact Title I Parent Meeting Title I PAC/DAC Representatives Title I Program Parent Notification Letter School-Level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Survey EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL The Educational Excellence School Advisory Council (EESAC) is the sole body responsible for final decision making at the school relating to the implementation of the components of the School Performance Excellence Plan. The EESAC's function is to bring together all stakeholders and involve them in an authentic role in decisions which affect instruction and the delivery of programs. (Excerpt from M-DCPS System Accreditation webpage) EESAC Document

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